Let's Give Them Something to Talk About
In which I explore the value of having/"giving them" something to talk about, visiting Washington State, being off Instagram (boring), coyotes in supermarkets, and fail to stay on topic, generally.
Yeah Righ
December was a doozy. I do not have a tiki problem.
I was driving in the dark.
An ode to the convenience stores of New England—from the Gulf station in Perry, Maine to the 7-11 in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
Pine Cones Keep Falling On My Head
Behind the scenes and backstory from my recent eel story: "Swimming Upstream"
Hannah and the Broken String
I return to the upper floors of the house I researched for many years, details take on new meanings.
Missed deadlines, training regimens, and unpredictable injuries.
Canned Eels and The Love It Took To (Temporarily) Leave You
It’s past midnight. I’ve got three candles burning in a candelabra by the window and I’ve told myself that I must hit send before they burn down to nothing. We’re almost there.
Give an Eel a Bite-Sized Chunk of Steak
And other advice you'll only get from talking to humans.
The Elversphere
Formalizing my obsession with elvers as the world burns
Moving Between Tenses via Gallons of Milk, Wiper Fluid, and Shadow Bands
A workshop I am teaching, feelings I am feeling.